пятница, 8 апреля 2016 г.

Mahou Released!


The magic Layout Switcher

How it works

He works completely different from other Layout Swithcer Programs, it switches not by next layout, but by specified in settings layouts.
Even selected text switches just between selected layouts.


How to use:
  1. To convert selection hit "Scroll" when select text
  2. To convert input hit "Pause/Break" when typing
What it can do:
  1. Convert last Input to another of selected in settings locales
  2. Convert selected text to another of selected in settings locales
What it can't do:
  1. Can't recongnize text that not in selected in settings locales


  • "Pause/Break" - Convert Last Input.
  • "Scroll" - Convert selected text.
  • "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Insert" - To toggle configs windows visibility.
  • "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F12" - To exit Mahou.


If you found an issue write here or contact me though email(You can ask anything)


Official Repo


ScreenShotter released!

I created one Screenshot-making program for Windows writen in C#.


Tool that makes it easy to take screenshots.


  • ALT + F3 to make screenshot of all screen.
  • CTRL + F3 to make screenshot of active window.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F3 to make selection screenshot.
  • CTRL + ALT + F3 to toogle main window visibility.
  • CTRL + WIN + ALT + F4 Immediately shutdow.


  1. Can save screenshots instantly, no more need to "push PrtSc, open paint, paste, then save..."
  2. Whole screen, active window or just a selection.
  3. Can work hidden.
  4. Can save in 4 formats(PNG, JPG(with a quality configuration), BMP and GIF).
  5. Very tin by size.
  6. Portable.
  7. Console.
  8. Saves all configurations.
  9. Multi-language(Русский & English at this time...)


Hello World post...

This is first blog post i ever did...
So what about this blog will be? I will be about my activity, likes etc.
Well there is many blogs like this, but this is mine!
If you read this post then try read next posts... maybe you'll find what you interested in?